Latest corrections

Liriope spicata

pending Update on average_height_value, average_height_unit, and 15 other fields

Trimezia gracilis

pending Update on average_height_value, average_height_unit, and 13 other fields

Dietes bicolor

pending Update on growth_habit, average_height_value, and 14 other fields

Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium

pending Update on average_height_value, average_height_unit, and 11 other fields

Sclerocactus parviflorus

pending Update on ground_humidity and scientific_name

Solanum melongena

pending Update on ph_minimum, ph_maximum, and 1 other fields

Salvia leucantha

pending Update on light and scientific_name

Impatiens hawkeri

pending Update on average_height_value, average_height_unit, and 7 other fields

Monstera adansonii

pending Report

Monstera deliciosa

pending Update on ph_minimum, ph_maximum, and 15 other fields

Urtica dioica

pending Report

Quercus rotundifolia

pending Report

Astrocaryum arenarium

pending Report

Abies alba

pending Update on maximum_height_value, maximum_height_unit, and 1 other fields

Allium chrysanthum

pending Update on average_height_value, average_height_unit, and 1 other fields

Solanum lycopersicum

pending Update on observations, average_height_value, and 13 other fields

Lactuca sativa

pending Update on observations, duration, and 11 other fields

Abies alba

pending Update on maximum_height_value, maximum_height_unit, and 1 other fields

Abies alba

pending Update on maximum_height_value, maximum_height_unit, and 1 other fields

Abies alba

pending Update on maximum_height_value, maximum_height_unit, and 1 other fields

Displaying items 1-20 of 24 in total