Cleverton Ruppenthal
Correction submitted on 12 Oct 20:56
Current status: Correction is pending validation.
The source of the correction is from an external source(s):
Notes: Information from a new Philodendron discovered by the Inventor in a controlled environment in Holambra, Brazil. More informations search for the Patent USPP12956P2 at Google Patents
"average_height_value": 200,
"average_height_unit": "cm",
"duration": [
"leaf_retention": true,
"foliage_texture": "medium",
"foliage_color": [
"light": 6,
"atmospheric_humidity": 6,
"minimum_temperature_deg_c": 29,
"maximum_temperature_deg_c": 34,
"soil_salinity": 3,
"soil_texture": 7,
"scientific_name": "Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium"