Ponthieva fertilis

No common name

Salazar (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) 2009 - Salazar GA, Cabrera LI, Madrinan S, Chase MW (2009) Phylogenetic relationships of Cranichidinae and Prescottiinae (Orchidaceae, Cranichideae) inferred from plastid and nuclear DNA sequences. Annals of Botany 104: 403-416. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcn257.




Cranichis koehleri Schltr.

Ophrys parviflora C.Presl

Cranichis pycnantha Schltr.

Cranichis fertilis (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Schltr.

Goodyera fertilis F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.

Exalaria parviflora (C.Presl) Garay & G.A.Romero